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United Nations Office on Drug and Crime

Helena Dominguez and Luciana García
1. Examining Illicit Financial Activities, Terrorist Funding, and the
Seizure of Illegally Acquired Assets

2. Justice System Reforms For Law Enforcement And Systematic
Accountability For Abuses Of Power

Dear delegates, we are Luciana García and Helena Domínguez, and we have the grate honor to be your presidents for the UNODC committee. We hope this is a chance for you to learn, improve skills such as leadership and diplomacy, and as a chance to get out of your comfort zone. As well we encourage you to be brave and participate throughout the debate. Lastly we want to remind you that we are here for you, to answer all your doubts and guide you through this process.
Without further ado, welcome to UNODC MSMUN 2024!

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Marymount School Medellín

PBX: (57) (4) 4310166

Ext. 1169 (Manuel Posso B - MSMUN General Director)

Calle 7 No. 25 - 64

Medellín, Antioquia


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